International Volunteer Forum 2019 Russia, Invites International youth from all over the world for Winter Youth Volunteer forum program. One of the World Biggest Youth Event Happening in Russia in this Winter. Applications are invited to apply for the Funded Winter International Volunteer Forum Program 2019.
International Volunteer Forum 2019 Russia:
International Participants from all over the world with any nationality are eligible to apply for International Volunteer Forum 2019, Russia. More then 10,000 Participants from Russia and other countries will take part in this biggest event. leaders and members of volunteer and charity organizations, civil activists, representatives of volunteer associations in various areas and all the passionate and kind young people who regard volunteering in any forms as an important part of their life.
The aim of the International Volunteer Forum Moscow, Russia is to celebrate National & International Volunteer Day which is officially celebrated on December 5th. All the Participants will explore the famous Moscow attractions, Social Cultural activities, experience Russian food and traditions.
Host Country : Moscow Russia
Host Location: Moscow
Financial Support Offered By: Russian and International Organizations
Program Dates: December 2nd – 5th, 2019
Financial Coverage: Funded
You can also Apply for following opportunities:
- Winter Korea Cultural Experience Camp 2020 in Seoul, Korea - Fully Funded
- Global UGRAD 2020 Pakistan Exchange Program to USA
International Volunteer Forum 2019 Offers:
Applications are invited for International Volunteer Forum 2019 Russia from all over the world for celebrate National & International Volunteer Day activities in Moscow, Russia.
The International Russian Student International Conference Program is not a Fully Funded Program, but a Partially Funded. Students should be apply for this one of the World Largest Even held in Russia. Don't Miss this Opportunity.
Funded Financial Benefits:
- Free Accommodation will be Covered by the Organizers.
- Free Meals
- Participation in all events of the Forum is provided by the organizers.
Important Note: Travel expenses will be covered by participants themselves or by the any organization they represent in the forum.
Benefits & Activities During Conference:
- The Year of Volunteer is aimed to increase the number of people involved in active social and civic life as well as to set a new pace of development of the volunteer movement.
- The Main Business and concert program held at the Expo center.
- The participants will visit some charity foundations, social and non-profit organizations.
- There will be Discussions Session with Leading Experts in the Field of Social Activity & Volunteering, Sessions on networking and international cooperation, an exhibition of public associations and social initiatives.
- Experience to be like local people.
- Winners of the All Russian "Volunteer of Russia 2019" will receive the award from the hands of famous actors, musicians, journalists, public figures.
Video of International Volunteer Forum Russia 2017, with President Putin
View Video : Click Here
Eligibility Criteria:
Candidates must fulfill the following criteria to avail this Cultural Exchange Program in South Korea.
- Participants with any academic fields are Eligible to Apply
- Must be 15 – 35 Years old
- The opportunity is open to all youth of all nations.
- Some Experience in Volunteering Programs
The last date to apply for the International Volunteer Forum 2019 in Russia is 10th Nov 2019. The Results will be Announced in November 18 – 22, 2019.
How to Apply for International Volunteer Forum 2019 Russia:
You have to Apply Online. In case of any questions, feel free to contact us via email [email protected]
For Apply:
- Student have to click Apply Online Button Below in Green Color for Apply and fill the Online Form
- You can also visit Official Advertisement from Official Source Button.
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